Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New and Renew !!


i've launched 'new' blogshop!
actually it's my old blog, but i RENEW it as my another blogshop.
want to about know it?;)
log on to THIS BLOG !


may be some of u know that i do have a blogshop on clothing.
i've stop for a moment due to my busy schedule.
but i'm planning to RENEW it with NEW items soon!

Check it soon;)


i'm chosen as the vice president for one club called IIUM Peers (peers counselor) in my's a bit shocked, but i accept it sincerely. coz i like this kind of club as i was president of my school guidance and counselling club before. i hope i can enhance my leadership skill then and of course will learn to develop myself and contribute something good to people around me:)

and i also joined one musical and art group .that is Angklung Club. it's really happening! i join this club because i really addicted to angklung. i miss those VERY MEMORABLE MOMENTS in indonesia last November where about 330 participants of SSEAYP played the historical !music instruments in a hall, with only ONE GREAT CONDUCTOR.forgot her name.very talented impressive!and the best thing is, each PYs get one angklung with different note.and we play songs like I have a dream, shimauta,etc. according to the conductor hand(she shows the note signal by hand) SO NICE!
so very sunday and wednesday night i'll have class on this Angklung club!;) and we'll be invited to do performance anytime. and might be joining angklung tournaments.

see the video:

this is a part of the video in indonesia. perform by the indonesian angklung performers.
haven't found the one which PYs play it. will be uploaded later.

that's a few new things happen in my life lately.
seeking more surprises onwards.

p/s: what's next?

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